SUSSED helps mark 25 years of The Fairtrade Mark with a fashion show

Fairtrade Fashion show

SUSSED joined in the celebrations of the 25 years anniversary of the Fairtrade Mark held at Trinity Church Porthcawl on Saturday 9th November 2019. SUSSED provided the clothing from Namaste, Thought, Patchouli Fair and Gringo as well as running a stall selling fairtrade goods. Thanks to the volunteers who helped run the event and our fabulous models. Roger Clatworthy provided live music before the show to help set the mood.

Organised by the local Porthcawl Fairtrade Partnership with proceeds to Traidcraft. Many thanks to Madeleine Moon MP (Bridgend) for attending; giving a great speech regarding the importance of Fairtrade in our daily lives and of course cutting the birthday cake!

Nirmala’s Story

Did you know that when you buy a Goodweave certified rug or cushion at SUSSED you’re helping the millions of children like Nirmala? Hear the story of rescued child laborer Nirmala, who found a path to freedom and education through GoodWeave. Nirmala’s story shows that behind every number is a name, a face and a story. We believe every child deserves a childhood – the freedom to laugh, play, and learn.

The GoodWeave label means that no child, forced or bonded labor was used in the making of a certified product, and that your purchase supports programs that educate children and ensure decent work for adults. Here’s how it works.

Fairtrade Fortnight 2019

With Fairtrade Fortnight approaching, here’s an overview of this year’s campaign from Fairtrade Wales:

Check SUSSED’s facebook or twitter feeds for our activities starting next week:

Fairtrade Fortnight 2019: 25 February - 10 March 

Fairtrade fortnight is nearly here! This annual two-week event sees thousands of individuals, companies and groups across the UK come together to celebrate the people who grow our food. This year we have placed a focus on the people, in particular the women, who grow the cocoa in your chocolate. These people often live in some of the poorest countries in the world and are often subject to exploitation and bad wages. Our aim is to ensure that these cocoa farmers are paid fairly and able to live a dignified life. If you love ethically sourced cocoa as much as we do, come and join in at one of our many events. 

This year marks the start of a three-year campaign based around living incomes. A living income is the minimum income required to pay for essentials such as school, clothing and medicine. We believe that this is a basic human right and essential in being able to live a dignified life. With your support, we aim to increase the numbers of people achieving this living income.  

This year’s campaign theme - Living Incomes

This year’s campaign theme - Living Incomes

How to join in - support Fairtrade Wales

There are many ways in which you can join in. Our social media channels are a good way of finding out about events near you. Follow us on Facebook Twitter and Instagram . When attending events, be sure to tweet at us @fairtradewales and through #shedeserves and #fairtradefortnight

Invitation to the SUSSED 2018 AGM for volunteers and members




WED. 12TH DECEMBER 2018, 7. 00PM



sussed agm small poster web email.jpg

Dear SUSSED Supporters, 

It is OUR pleasure to invite you to SUSSED Wales’ Annual Meeting 2017/18, 12thDEC 2018, 7:00pm followed by refreshments and buffet. To be held in the Green Room, above SUSSED.

The AGM,we expect, to be quite informal and short. It will update people about SUSSED’s trading, finances and activities and elect the SUSSED board of directors and review volunteer roles and responsibilities. 

The Directors are recommending a small change to the membership. All active volunteers are free and automatically become members with all the benefits. They are the ones able to vote at the AGM. Paying members are invited, also to all activities, but do not need to vote. They can contribute ideas and suggestions at anytime during the year. This can be discussed at the AGM.

If anyone would like to stand as a company Director please get in touch before-hand. Or maybe you would like to volunteer not only with shop sales, but other tasks like volunteer coordination, membership development, administration, finances, product information research, communications, IT or events ? We would be delighted to hear from you.

Were you once a paid up member? You can restart your membership and your special discount by using the form at SUSSED or online at

As a community cooperative our volunteers, supporters and membership are central to the organisation. We are a democratic and thus participatory organisation – we need not only your commitment to shop at SUSSED but also your ideas. 

Indeed, as community members you have a stake in the business as you are in fact the “owners”. Thus, we appreciate it when people attend the AGM and give us feedback.

Afterwards let’s celebrate the fact that our community actually has a shop like SUSSED.

We hope that you can attend what should be an enjoyable evening. 

Please RSVP, via email ( or phone (01656783962) to ensure there is an appropriate amount of seating and refreshments available.

Best Wishes

Margaret Minhinnick on behalf of all the Directors SUSSED (Luke Evans, Martin Little, Robert Minhinnick, Peter Morgan, Melanie Johnson)

Explaining Fairtrade: videos

Fairtrade Fashion:

Unravelling the Thread: The Story of Cotton

We are excited to share our brand new film which explores where cotton comes from and some of the difficulties faced along the supply chain.

This 12 minute film helps young people understand the impacts of fast fashion and highlights the difference consumers can make to people’s lives through their buying choices

Five children from Berlin did the unthinkable: They approached international fashion brands voluntarily to ask for a job. Why? Millions of children work in the textile supply chains worldwide. What is commonplace in the developing countries of the world often seems unimaginable in our society.
Fashion Revolution Brazil set up a Fashion Experience: The Other Side in São Paulo. Shoppers went into a shipping container, expecting to find a cheap clothing store inside, but the reality was very different.
Millions of people make our clothes. Too many live in poverty, exploitation or danger. We can change that. Join the #FashionRevolution and demand a fair, safe and more transparent industry.
Inspiring us all to need less and love forever, Fashion Revolution's short film looks at mass production, consumerism and the tragedy of modern-day landfills, to remind us that small individual actions can have a lasting effect #LovedClothesLast Directed by Balthazar Klarwein, produced by Feel Films, and starring Angelina Jesson.
Fashion isn't always as it seems. A few famous faces put a different perspective on a global issue.
View full post: 'Fast Fashion' refers to clothing and accessories that are designed to reflect current industry trends, yet produced using less expensive materials to ensure a low price tag. The Fast Fashion trend has also led to environmental concerns.